Thursday, April 8, 2010

Guess who just signed up for Habitat for Humanity?! Jeff and I did! We signed up together,which will be a good way for us to get outside of the comfortable box our relationship has become.

I'm excited about the whole experience and am mostly interested in being a site host, or more specifically, the "site mom." The whole day has already been planned out in my head, I will bring baked goods and refreshments and everyone will have the best day of their lives, I'm shooting low here. However, I'm not oppose to doing some painting, or decorating. Let's just say I don't have the most reliable arm strength, but my baking skills are fantastic!


Anonymous said...

Awesome idea...go girl!


AJ said...

volunteers always need baked goods... and lemonade! make LOTS of lemonade!

the NEO-traditionalist said...

Good for you!!! My fiance is extremely involved in our local Habitat branch, he just got back from a week long build and was at a meeting tonight in fact. Go habitat! xo katie