Monday, April 5, 2010

Holding on to the weekend...

Oh Monday, thanks for ruining my weekend. In light of this unfortunate event, I will focus on the happy things.

Happy #1
My family. They all came to visit this past weekend for Easter and it was wonderful. They are amazing, and I love them.

Happy #2
The Starbucks coffee I'm drinking to wake me up...White Chocolate Mocha misto=perfect.

Happy #3
My boyfriend. He's pretty great and he spent his whole weekend with me entertaining the fam=winner/keeper.

Happy #4
My job. Particularly in this economy, I'm truly thankful to be employed and work with such wonderful people.

Happy #5
George. My goofy little (really big, actually) boxer. He peed inside last night so Jeff wasn't too happy with him, but he's just such a cutie!

Happy #6
The creative outlet that is this blog, I've really grown fond of this, even though I've only just begun. And the people here are lovely and encouraging, which helps in life.

Happy #7
April!! My brother's birthday is this weekend and my birthday is two days later...I love good celebrations.


michelle said...

Hi, saw your comment on my blog. You can buy the 5-year journal at any online retailer, Barnes&Noble, Amazon, Chronicle Books, etc. Cheers!

Unknown said...

great i am also happy but no reason ,

have agreat day

erika sorocco said...

Yayay! I love the fact that you are obsessed with the White Chocolate Mocha from Starbucks, as well - I was beginning to think I was the only one. So yummy!! :)