Thursday, January 6, 2011

Ruby Red Slippers

It's ok, wear black nail polish with red sparkles, to work. not answer a text/phone call. try gluten-free just because gwyneth did. hate waiting. step away from your desk and daydream out a window. spend way too much time in the grocery store. love your dog more than a significant number of people. have groceries delivered. eat a healthy dinner instead of working out. be excited about RHOBV tonight. wait four weeks to fix your headlight. buy yourself flowers.
... be awesome.


Jamie said...

Love your list :)

I definitely love my dog more than some people :)

a life of color said...

I agree 100%

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

Great list Amy! I agree with all of those! Especially the dog one and not answering a text/call!

Saumya said...

Love this list and can relate to all of these!

Saumya said...

P.S. I'm not sure if it's my slow internet connection but I wanted to follow your blog and I don't see the followers button. I'll be back to check again!

Anonymous said...

this private school teacher rocks the black nail polish and prefers her pup to many people. nice to know i'm in good company. thanks for the baked penne recipe!