Friday, August 13, 2010

My radio show is on Today!

It's Friday! Thank goodness. A solid hour of yesterday was spent thinking it was Friday until my favorite radio show "Anything You Ever Wanted to Know" was not on at noon bringing on the realization that it was Thursday (and I'm 85 years old). We were suppose to go to Jeff's lakehouse, but the trip has been pushed back to next weekend. So we're staying in town, and I'm a little bit excited about that. Sometimes it's nice to just slow down, relax, and enjoy. I'm looking forward to eating at our regular spots, catching up on Netflix, and visiting with friends that we don't see often enough. And hopefully perusing a few bookstores
(with this dress on)

eat, pray, love
It's a fever. I have it. And apparently Congress has it as well. There was an e-mail in my inbox this morning from a capitol hill newspaper with the subject "Eat, Pray, Lobby" which was a pretty fantastic way to spice up that e-mail.

I have convinced the boy to go see eat, pray, love with me tonight!

I read the book maybe three years ago, and could not put it down. It's hard to not have high expectations for the movie, but I'm trying to prepare myself. Eat, Pray, Love is not for everyone, but the people who connect to it, connect completely and that is a wonderful feat. She is inspiring:


Leslie @ A Blonde Ambition said...

Um, that dress is FANTASTIC! I, too have been afflicted with the Eat Pray Love epidemic...cannot wait to see it. I laughed when I read this post, because I also convinced my boy to go see it this weekend ; )

Same Sweet Girl: Memoir of a Southern Belle said...

Have fun!!!!!!!!! Can't wait to hear what you think about the movie! :)

Taylor Sterling said...

I am excited to see this movie too. I actually just finished the book. I am always afraid a movie won't do justice, but I am excited to see how this one does.

Miranda said...

ahhh I don't know about this ... it's a little too "feel good" for me. I'm intrigued by the hype, because there has to be something to it. Thanks for sharing the video it's interesting and insightful.

Heather said...

I want to see that movie, let us know how it is!! I love that dress in that picture too!

Unknown said...

I fell in love with that picture on Dress, Design & Decor too! And I LOVED the book — definitely one of the people who connected with it! Hoping to see the movie sometime this week. Enjoy your weekend!

Abby said...

I hope you have fun this weekend! The dress is so cute.